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Because Nott knew about the goblins and their powers, she disliked and mistrusted them, particularly due to their mistreatment of her. She expressed this openly to Caleb and the group:"Maybe you should get a bigger group, maybe you are not a good leader.""I am leader, and I know what I'm doing.""Far be it from me to tell you what to do."After a couple months, the group decided to join Veth on her mission to find Yeza. During the journey to Felderwin, the group went to sleep, and in the middle of the night, Nott made a Transmogrification spell to transform herself into a halfling. Due to her halfling status (she advised Caleb to not wait to cast the spell, but rather use it immediately), she did not have full control of the transmogrification. Instead, a goblin's head with a mustache, a halfling torso for the upper body and claws for hands was attached to Nott's hands. However, the real Nott remained inside the head, no longer able to speak.[41]
The group felt Nott's personality to be turned completely upside down. She generally was a loud, obnoxious person, but when in her new body she was muted. When the members of the group split up to see Yeza she traveled with, Nott continued to be mute and dominated by her goblin body. In Bryn's Sorrow (1x99) she finally said a few words to suggest she was capable of speech. She called herself Nott and she was missing her head, but she was still a part of Veth. Nott described Caleb as possessing a lot of power and said she could get back to her old personality with his help. After the company arrived back at the group's camp, she seemed to be more at ease, but because of mange, her voice was not fully recovered. She was able to keep control of her goblin body, and usually she took care of the horses.[42] d2c66b5586