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Apr 03, 2023
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Download TOP Aria Scale CLICK HERE >>> Open the file from the saved location to see a brief overview of the scale setup process. At this point make sure you have the scale and your computer together, ideally within 15 feet of your Wi-Fi router. Use the provided fields to fill in your personal information. The information that we collect will be used to customize your Fitbit experience and is required for your scale to properly identify you. The information that you provide is completely confidential. Personalize your scale by providing a scale name and your initials, then click \"Next\". The scale name will come in handy should you ever own more than one scale. The initials are used to identify you if there are multiple people who join the scale. Place your scale into setup mode by pulling the small tab protruding out of the battery compartment on the bottom of the scale. If done properly, \"SETUP ACTIVE\" will display on the LCD display of the scale. If the tab on the scale has already been removed and the scale does not display \"SETUP ACTIVE\", open the battery compartment door and remove one battery, wait 10 seconds, then replace the battery and close the battery compartment. Watch the onscreen client messages. It will connect to your Wi-Fi, then connect to the scale and send your network information. The scale will look for your Wi-Fi network then link to the Fitbit server. During the setup process, the scale display will also show status messages - you can just focus on the set up client messages. A success screen will appear, indicating that you have completed the setup process! Your scale is now ready to be used. If you have not yet, step on the scale and weigh yourself. Then visit to see your weight on the dashboard. Your Fitbit scale should always be stored flat. When moved or stored vertically, you may need to perform 2 consecutive weigh-ins to recalibrate the scale. For instructions on how to clean your scale, see How do I clean my Fitbit device Fitbit scales are dust and water-resistant. They aren't waterproof. If your scale gets slightly wet, wipe it with a dry towel. If it gets completely wet, take out the batteries immediately and let it dry. After you invite your friend to use the scale, they receive an email invitation with instructions to set up the scale. Until they accept the email invitation, only their weight is shown. For Aria and Aria 2, their weigh-ins are also labeled as \"Guest\" on the scale. Removing someone from your scale doesn't delete their Fitbit account. People who don't have a Fitbit account linked to your scale can continue to use it, but only their weight is shown. For Aria and Aria 2, their weigh-ins are also labeled as \"Guest\" on the scale. Aria 2 may assign your weigh-in to a guest when your measurements are similar to another user and the scale is unsure how to assign the weigh-in. When this happens, the scale shows an icon like the one below: This error occurs most commonly when the network settings are changed, such as when you set up a new router or change your network name or password. If you've recently changed your network settings, see How do I reconnect my Fitbit scale to my wireless network If you're unsure of your Wi-Fi password, see How do I find my Wi-Fi network password and security setting If you're not comfortable doing this, you can set up using our set up software. From a laptop or desktop with Wi-Fi access, go back to and follow the steps to download and install the set up software. Note: If your computer does not have Wi-Fi, you will need to use a computer, smartphone or tablet that has Wi-Fi in order to get your Aria set up. You can go to to set up your device from your smartphone. 8) The software will look for your scale and wireless network. Once it finds your network, it will ask you to enter the password and click \"Yes\". If it finds a network that you do not want to use, please click \"No, I want to use another network\" and enter the correct network information. MyNetDiary online and mobile diet program helps you lose weight by tracking your food calories with the best nutrition database in the world. MyNetDiary can also keep track and estimate your activity calories based on activity type and duration. Fitbit tracker uses an accelerometer and other sensors to estimate your daily calories burn, while Fitbit weight scale can automate your weight tracking. By linking MyNetDiary with Fitbit you get the best of both worlds: MyNetDiary shows the activity calories, daily step count, body weight, sleep hours and average heart rate as measured by Fitbit. Fitbit shows your food calories and nutrients tracked by MyNetDiary. MyNetDiary also sends body weight measurements to Fitbit. Using Fitbit with MyNetDiary helps to calculate daily calorie balance more accurately, see the actual balance of the calories you burn and eat during the day, and ultimately - helps you lose weight faster and smarter! After you link to Fitbit, MyNetDiary performs automatic data exchange within several minutes after you enter foods in MyNetDiary, one exchange per hour. If you don't log foods for some day, MyNetDiary will download your Fitbit data during the night. In the case you do not log foods in MyNetDiary for 5 contiguous days, MyNetDiary stops exchanging your data with Fitbit. When you resume logging foods, MyNetDiary resumes Fitbit data exchanges. When you sync Fitbit trackers to the Fitbit website, MyNetDiary receives notification from Fitbit within several minutes and automatically downloads new data.Fitbit exercise vs. Fitbit calories Fitbit download creates \"Fitbit exercise\" entry at MyNetDiary Exercise, which is different from the Daily Total Calories you see on Activities tab at Fitbit web site. MyNetDiary exercise includes only the calories burned in addition to normal lifestyle determined by your personal activity level. This is why MyNetDiary subtracts Weight Maintenance Calories calories from the downloaded total calories: Happy Scale uses sophisticated math to learn the true trend of your progress. You can see what you're really losing each week. Once you're empowered with knowledge of your true progress, you'll discover that the scale's power over you will melt away! Do you have a wireless scale or another weight tracking app that syncs your weight to the Apple Health app Happy Scale will automatically import your weights from Apple Health.(Note: Apple Health not available on iPad) Icons inherit the current font color and font size from their parent container element. To change the color of the icon, refer to the Variants section, and to change the size of the icon refer to the Sizing section. BootstrapVue icons SCSS/CSS does not depend on any Bootstrap SASS variables, mixins, functions or CSS classes (other than the Bootstrap text-{variant} text color utility classes, if using the variant prop). Please note that the icons CSS is also included in the main BootstrapVue SCSS/CSS files. Animations effects require BootstrapVue custom SCSS/CSS. Note that icons placed in BootstrapVue components use BootstrapVue's custom CSS for additional styling compensation due to current issues with Bootstrap Icons alignment implementation, and for additional aesthetic scaling (icons placed in the components listed below will have their font scaled by 125%). I have a Fitbit Aria scale for some years now, and it started to have issues. The main one is that it was draining the batteries in few days. The problem was caused by some broken plastic parts, not available as spare parts, but thanks to 3D printing I avoided throwing it away for good. Browsing in the Web there was a lot of angry users because the failure shows up after a couple of years, when there is no warranty coverage. People were confused trying to identify the issue since Fitbit was not doing any public acknowledgement that the scale had this design problem. Some people were thinking it was due to the last upgrade, others that it was caused by a floor not perfectly flat, others something internal, etc. The issue was that after using the scale, it was not coming back to stand-by mode because it was still sensing some weight, due to the broken plastic part. The part has a shape that would make it act a bit like a spring, but when broken this does not happen anymore. But it has a solution with a bit of DIY. Here is the video explaining how to disassemble the scale without damaging anything. Use wood sticks if you can, I used screwdrivers and scrapped some bits of paint that cover the glass part. How to download and update firmware fitbit aria scale firmware update Download ZTE firmware update gadget is very important as many of its owners regularly make the upgrades in order to make their gadgets to function ... How to download and update firmware fitbit aria scale firmware update Samsung firmware : being one of the leading producers of electronic gadgets including mobile phones, Samsung very often releases Stock Firmware ROM ... How to download and update firmware fitbit aria scale firmware update Download digital photo Cameras firmware : most of the camera s internal parts including lenses, autofocus, LCD screens etc. are controlled by ... 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Gardner, Alistair Garrison, Greg Gay, Becky Gibson, Al Gilman, Kerstin Goldsmith, Michael Grade, Karl Groves, Loretta Guarino Reid, Jon Gunderson, Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Brian Hardy, Eric Hansen, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, Sean Hayes, Shawn Henry, Hans Hillen, Donovan Hipke, Bjoern Hoehrmann, Allen Hoffman, Chris Hofstader, Yvette Hoitink, Martijn Houtepen, Carlos Iglesias, Richard Ishida, Jonas Jacek, Ian Jacobs, Phill Jenkins, Barry Johnson, Duff Johnson, Jyotsna Kaki, Shilpi Kapoor, Leonard R. Kasday, Kazuhito Kidachi, Ken Kipness, Johannes Koch, Marja-Riitta Koivunen, Preety Kumar, Kristjan Kure, Andrew LaHart, Gez Lemon, Chuck Letourneau, Aurélien Levy, Harry Loots, Scott Luebking, Tim Lacy, Jim Ley, Alex Li, William Loughborough, N Maffeo, Mark Magennis, Kapsi Maria, Luca Mascaro, Matt May, Sheena McCullagh, Liam McGee, Jens Oliver Meiert, Niqui Merret, Jonathan Metz, Alessandro Miele, Steven Miller, Mathew J Mirabella, Matt May, Marti McCuller, Sorcha Moore, Charles F. Munat, Robert Neff, Charles Nevile, Liddy Nevile, Dylan Nicholson, Bruno von Niman, Tim Noonan, Sebastiano Nutarelli, Graham Oliver, Sean B. Palmer, Devarshi Pant, Nigel Peck, Anne Pemberton, David Poehlman, Ian Pouncey, Charles Pritchard, Kerstin Probiesch, W Reagan, Adam Victor Reed, Chris Reeve, Chris Ridpath, Lee Roberts, Mark Rogers, Raph de Rooij, Gregory J. Rosmaita, Matthew Ross, Sharron Rush, Joel Sanda, Janina Sajka, Roberto Scano, Gordon Schantz, Tim van Schie, Wolf Schmidt, Stefan Schnabel, Cynthia Shelly, Glenda Sims, John Slatin, Becky Smith, Jared Smith, Andi Snow-Weaver, Neil Soiffer, Mike Squillace, Michael Stenitzer, Diane Stottlemyer, Christophe Strobbe, Sarah J Swierenga, Jim Thatcher, Terry Thompson, Justin Thorp, David Todd, Mary Utt, Jean Vanderdonckt, Carlos A Velasco, Eric Velleman, Gijs Veyfeyken, Dena Wainwright, Paul Walsch, Daman Wandke, Richard Warren, Elle Waters, Takayuki Watanabe, Gian Wild, David Wooley, Wu Wei, Kenny Zhang, Leona Zumbo. 153554b96e
Apr 03, 2023
In Business Forum
!!BETTER!! Final Fantasy Ipa Cracked Files Click Here ---> 153554b96e
Apr 03, 2023
In Business Forum
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls [EXCLUSIVE] Click Here - Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is a 2006 surrealist exploitation psychological horror film written and directed by Lucifer Valentine who coined \"vomit gore\" as a new subgenre.[1] The film had a simultaneous DVD and limited theatrical release on February 14, 2006. The film follows a very loose plot structure, consisting of assorted random scenes mostly revolving around Angela Aberdeen, a bulimic stripper-turned-prostitute. Aside from Angela, we are shown a handful of other, often nameless and usually description-less characters who either force themselves to vomit, are brutally murdered, or a little of both. While the story may be lacking (or possibly altogether absent), there is some intense gore throughout this movie. Aside from the vomiting (some of which, by the way, appears to contain blood), there are body parts torn off and blood splattered on a regular basis. One girl has her eyes poked out with a screwdriver, and the scene is very graphic and very drawn out. It was a scene straight out of The Gore Gore Girls, but without any of the dark humor. Not satisfied with the results of a naked woman crawling around with blood pouring from vacant sockets while we see her eyes sitting on a nearby table, Valentine pushes the envelope and has her then force her fingers down her throat and unknowingly vomit on her detached eyes. 2. I'll be honest. I was bored. Amidst all the vomit and puke and piss and swallowing and puke and upchuck and projectiles and dismemberment and I mentioned puke, right(), that's....really all it was. It's not much different from a feature-length, satanic-tinged trip down the local alleyway. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is a 2006 surrealist exploitation horror film written and directed by Lucifer Valentine. The first film in the Vomit Gore Series, it follows Angela Aberdeen, a a young runaway with bulimia who works as a prostitute and a exotic dancer to get by. She is solicited by a strange satanic man with a vomit fetish, and subsequently begins a downward spiral. 153554b96e
Apr 03, 2023
In Business Forum
Motogp 2006 Game Pc ##HOT## Download - This website is a fansite! It is not part of EA (Electronic Arts).Did you find a mistake or just want to discuss about this game You can do it by CLICKING HEREGo to Spotify playlist by CLICKING HERE Switch to playlist CountryBandSongGenre Actions X360 (listed as in credits) The Red Devil Incident Rotten Rock !Track 16. Dominic Lyne. Mark Crew Pump Nathan Cross 10 Dollar Composed soundtrack !Track 18. James Dexter Move With It The Oracle Boy Jigsaw Rock !Track20 Jason Alner The Dust Off Composed soundtrack !Track 19. Subsource Do You Drive Stick Electronica !Track 01 Subsource Styling Composed soundtrack !Track 22 Karn8 Past Caring Rock !Track 15. Prince Quick Mix My Parts Fall Out (Deephead Dub) Electronica !Track 07. Manuel Napuri Tony Thomas Spider (Kickflip Remix) Electronica !Track 13. Andy Brookes Sucker Punch Composed soundtrack !Track 10. Jack Makins New Formula Teruishi Nagatomi Confusion Thrumm Grind Control !Rod Gammons and Tony Fenelle. Thrumm Humanic Life As Is The 2 Composed soundtrack !Track 14. Ipanema Je Suis Un Baseball Bat Rock !Track 04. Chad Jackson Scum Dogs Electronica !Track 09. Midnight Juggernauts Raised by Wolves Electronica !Track 02. Titus Gein Insurrection of the Electric Ghosts Rock !Track 05. Titus Gein Raw Teeth Rock !Track 12. Richard Alter Feel Electronic rock !Frontend Catch 2 Thinker Electronica !Track 17.Unclassified Somebody Track 3 Composed soundtrack Somebody Track 4 Composed soundtrack Somebody Track 8 Composed soundtrack Somebody Track 12 Electronica Somebody Track 13 Composed soundtrack Somebody Track 16 Composed soundtrack Somebody Credits Composed soundtrack /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */ var disqus_shortname = 'nfssoundtrack'; // required: replace example with your forum shortname /* * * DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */ (function() { var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + ''; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq); })(); Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus Here come four screenshots of MotoGP 06, and it looks fantastic, except for some aliasing (but hey, it's always more visible in screenshots anyway). The game was one of our favorites sport games of E3 2006, and it's coming in less than two weeks. Yay ! THQ has released a new trailer for MotoGP 06, showing some more of the race tracks. I can't wait to see some more of the urban tracks, those are the ones that makes me want to play this game. Update: 960x540 version added. THQ was kind enough to send me a preview version of Moto GP 2006 on Xbox 360, so I HAD to make some videos. The trouble is that this version, as most previews, has some framerate problems and these videos would have really made a rather bad impression of the game. The Saschenring track, despite being one of the nicest looking of the season, is also one of the smoothest of this version so I managed to make this rather watchable video. Be aware that there are some graphical glitches: Transparent ads and pit line, and some overblooming at the end of the track. Nothing major but this will of course be fixed in the final game. THQ thought they could outsmart (as always) the European press, by (as always) releasing these images to the American press only. Here are at least some of the images, taken from the official site. They also announced that the game will hit the stores in May. In an effort to prove us MotoGP 2006 doesn't lack of cojones, the guys of THQ sent us two comparison images, composed of ingame screenshots and real pictures. Needless to say, the result is impressive. And talking about eye-candies, don't forget to pick their new 3D screenshot, much nicer than the first one. Gamersyde is a commercial multiplatform web portal based in Europe, with hundreds of thousands of visitors each month from all over the world. We cover both handheld and video games platforms and the site has grown into one of the biggest gaming sites in the continent. We are able to offer fast news delivery and HD content from the upcoming games, and one of the greatest and friendliest gaming communities in the world. The HD content we provide always respects the original resolution and framerate of the games we capture, making Gamersyde the one and only place to get 1080p/4K/60fps videos with high bitrate. At a time when Youtube's subpar video compression has become the norm for most people on the Internet, we refuse to give up quality without a fight. We now also produce HDR videos, which can only be enjoyed by those who own compatible televisions. The content we produce is obviously not free of use should you want to upload our videos on your own website or YouTube channel. First of all, I have something to confess: I tend to avoid sim-racing titles. I drive a car in real life, so why would I go to a realistic driving game for my video gaming needs Give me crashes, missiles, and transforming ice cream trucks. Give me anything but vehicles where you have to brake while going around a corner. Despite this, I enjoyed MotoGP 4. My first move on playing one of these games is careening off the road and into a wall as I lose the race, but MotoGP 4 is a little different. You can't play it like you would play Burnout 3, but you can definitely play it a little fast and loose with the acceleration. This isn't to say that MotoGP isn't a sim racer. You have a little leeway in terms of braking and acceleration, but not so much that you can zoom around the tracks at top speed. There's an \"Excessive Speed Lamp\" that'll let you know when you're coming in to a corner too fast. Invaluable Yes, it is. MotoGP 4 sports a mix between sim and arcade racing that basically equates to maximum fun. This carries over to the online gameplay. Setting up a game is painfully easy, though I do have one gripe. You can only set up one race at a time, rather than a sequence of them, or a full-blown Grand Prix. Other than that, assuming you have a good connection, gameplay is nice and smooth. You can populate the track with AI bots if you're short on people to race against, or race up to eight actual players. Voice chat with your favorite USB microphone is enabled, too, for trash-talking purposes. Season Mode is essentially the same as it is in other racing games. You can pick an established racer or create your own as you rise through the ranks. You'll race on 16 official tracks across three different engine classes while you do so. Do you fancy taking a 125cc bike screaming down Le Mans Have at it. Winning races nets you Grand Prix points, which you can use to unlock riders and new bikes. MotoGP 4's packaging reads, \"2 wheels. 200 mph. 2 inches from the Tarmac.\" This is absolutely true. Despite the somewhat low-res graphics, you never lose that sense of speed that's so crucial to racing games. You're going to fight to pass the other racers so you can finish in first, and when you do, it's a sweet, sweet thing. The single-player alone is a fun ride, if you'll pardon the pun, and the multiplayer, be it split-screen or online, is just as good. It's nice to play a realistic racer where I spend most of my time racing rather than crashing into walls. This kind of hybrid gameplay appeals to both casual fans and the hardcore MotoGP nuts and makes for a better experience overall. That's not to say Milestone shirks any responsibility in simulating the current season. As ever, all three categories of racing are present, correct, and resplendent in 2022 liveries. And as ever, that lends a depth to its career mode that not even Codies' F1 games can quite match. Starting as a rookie in Moto3, navigating a sea of prodigal Spanish teenagers on lithe, forgiving 250cc bikes. Getting the nod from a Moto2 team, feeling the extra weight and power of the bigger bikes while brushing leathers with Lowes, Acosta and Canet. Finally moving up to the premier class and feeling like you earned it, like there's a story to how you got here. It remains the biggest pull of the series, even with the inclusion of the 2009 season playable doc this year. Harder to turn a blind eye to, though, are some longstanding irritations that really should have been fixed by now. The ideal line assist is often totally wrong with its recommended braking points, so if you're a newcomer and using it to learn the tracks you might be perplexed by why you keep ending up in the gravel trap even though you hit the brakes exactly when the game told you to. The developers seem to have squeezed a bit of extra beauty out of Unreal Engine this time out, particularly in the bikes and helmets. I'm not ashamed to say I've spent considerable time in the showroom menu, aimlessly cycling between modern and classic riders and admiring their lids. The glitter paintwork on Nicky Hayden's 2006 helmet is particularly worth a few spins of the camera. A lot of that beauty translates on track, where a realistic lighting style combine with high-res textures and high-poly models worthy of some photo mode admiration. Phil 'the face' Iwaniuk used to work in magazines. Now he wanders the earth, stopping passers-by to tell them about PC games he remembers from 1998 until their polite smiles turn cold. He also makes ads. Veteran hardware smasher and game botherer of PC Format, Official PlayStation Magazine, PCGamesN, Guardian, Eurogamer, IGN, VG247, and What Gramophone He won an award once, but he doesn't like to go on about it.\\n\\nYou can get rid of 'the face' bit if you like.\\n\\nNo -Ed. \"}; var triggerHydrate = function() { window.sliceComponents.authorBio.hydrate(data, componentContainer); } var triggerScriptLoadThenHydrate = function() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ' -8-2/authorBio.js'; script.async = true; = 'vanilla-slice-authorBio-component-script'; script.onload = () => { window.sliceComponents.authorBio = authorBio; triggerHydrate(); }; document.head.append(script); } if (window.lazyObserveElement) { window.lazyObserveElement(componentContainer, triggerScriptLoadThenHydrate); } else { triggerHydrate(); } } }).catch(err => console.log('Hydration Script has failed for authorBio Slice', err)); }).catch(err => console.log('Externals script failed to load', err));Phil IwaniukSocial Links NavigationPhil 'the face' Iwaniuk used to work in magazines. Now he wanders the earth, stopping passers-by to tell them about PC games he remembers from 1998 until their polite smiles turn cold. He also makes ads. Veteran hardware smasher and game botherer of PC Format, Official PlayStation Magazine, PCGamesN, Guardian, Eurogamer, IGN, VG247, and What Gramophone He won an award once, but he doesn't like to go on about it. 153554b96e
Apr 03, 2023
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Apr 03, 2023
In Business Forum
Ningen Isu 9 Albums DOWNLOAD >>>>> During the mid-2010s, Ningen Isu saw a significant increase in popularity. They previously spent years in relative obscurity outside of Japan, and the sales of their albums did not go well. The band played at the Ozzfest 2013, hosted by Ozzy Osbourne, which they as Black Sabbath fans felt honored by. In 2019, their record Shin Seinen reached rank 14 in the Oricon music charts, their highest chart position to date.[5] They released the video for their song \"Heartless Scat\" on YouTube in May 2019,[6] and it has since gained over 12 million views. San Akudouchuu Hizukurige is the twelfth full length offering from the Japanese gods of heavy metal known as Ningen-Isu. This album was released in 2004 and holds the distinct honor of being the first album to feature current drummer, Nobu Nakajima. There has yet to be a bad album in the Ningen-Isu catalog (which is seventeen albums strong at the moment, mind you), and San Akudouchuu Hizukurige is no different, as the unstoppable duo of Kenichi Suzuki (bass, vocals) and Shinji Wajima (guitar, vocals) brings forth a hard rocking, rollicking album that, despite its laid back nature, retains that distinctive Ningen-Isu sound. While San Akudouchuu Hizukurige is a lighter, more classic rock styled album, it still features that distinctive Ningen-Isu flair. This album showcases a ton of hooky grooves, solid classic rock riffing and the undeniably amazing duo of Kenichi Suzuki and Shinji Wajima. San Akudouchuu Hizukurige could qualify as one of the most accessible Ningen-Isu albums, especially to those not particularly well versed in the ways of doom. Another criminally overlooked and under appreciated Ningen-Isu classic. After weird and psychedelic air with sounds like an animal crying or being squeezed blowin'and twistin' around us, steady and heavy riffs by guitars and drums should come here. A Japanese heavy rock outfit NINGEN-ISU was formed in 1987 by Shinji Wajima (guitar, voices) andKen'ichi Suzuki (bass, voices).In 1989 they appeared as a bizarre project on a TV program introducing new bands and could knock alljudges and audience out with their terrific technique.As a basis shoving heavy and progressive rock style influenced by KING CRIMSON, BLACK SABBATH orBUDGIE, they have released 14 studio albums since 1990.Their tune and lyrics are characterized by Shinji's grounding in Japanese literature or Buddhism andKen'ichi's curiosity about doom or spiritism - the eerie and esoteric flavour gains them popularityamong maniacs.The heavy riffs can remind us the sound wall by King Crimson, Uriah Heep or Rush - pioneers in heavyprog scene.From the first track 'Tetsugoshi No Mokushiroku (The Apocalypse of Prison)' we can feel only two oftheir faces.Hey folks, a bizarre show with serious plays now gets started!'Hari No Yama (A heap of needles)' is - you bet - just Budgie's Breadfan with their Japaneseimpressive arrangement.We can realize their respect for Budgie with this speedy and aggressive ensemble.Their lyrics are very funny (Gonna fall down from the heap of needles, with my body packed withmassive fire and blood!) but plays and sounds are as serious and terrific as Budgie, in my opinionas a Japanese. ;-)For them writing lyrics should be really enjoyable we can feel.Next 'Ayakashi No Tsuzumi (Ayakashi playin' drums)' is exactly weird song - Ayakashi is an imaginarymonster in the sea, that is appeared vividly by them.Listen and feel - like drumming in another world, heavy drum sounds with heavy bass ones and heaviervoices go through our brain with weirdness of this monster.Ken'ichi's cult make this eerie song - tasted by his eerie voices and thick sounds.'Ringo No Namida (Tears of an apple)' is an arrangement of a Japanese children's song, isn't itBasically it's a song that an apple born on a countryside will go to a city by train for sale.The children's song is pleasant and expectable one but this version is very plaintive and tragic.I guess they should notify us the sadness of prostitutes...'Sai No Kawara' - how shall I translate - may be from a Japanese tragic old tale.An orphan would try to find his/her parents with piling lots of stones up but the heap of stonesshould collapse down - this song is the repetition of his/her act. How sad!One of the most rhythmic and powerful love-rock song is 'Tengoku Ni Musubu Koi (Blooming love in theHeaven)'.Shinji's naive voices are very comfortable and make us lovely, however the lyrics are very severe -yea, \"SEXUAL LOVE WITH A DEAD LOVER\".Their drivin' the stream of this song is as if Robert Fripp least for me.'Akuma No Temariuta (A devil with a ball in his hand)' is again a grotesque shot - 'bout murderedand entombed beautiful girls - the story is heavier and uglier than the sounds.But believe me, instead of the story, they can play so literarily and seriously with their heavyprogressive style, and with their native language - Tsugaru-Japanese.And the highlight in this album - 'Ningen-shikkaku (Disqualified human life)' - is the mostprogressive, avantgarde, dramatic, and self-motivated song I wanna say.This is the literary one with full of Shinji's policy. Like a movie, there are lots of scenes andstages in this song.Life is changeable like autumn weather... All of their faces this song has.On the contrary, the next 'Heavy-metal No Gyakushu (Revenge of heavy-metal)' should be, for us, anenjoyable song.'Arnheim No Izumi (Spring in Arnheim)' is produced with Shinji's graceful three-minute guitar solo.The heavy and rumbling bomb, 'Sakura No Mori No Mankai No Sh'ta (Under full of cherry blossoms)', isvery suitable for the last song of this work, in spite of this beautiful title.Exploded riffs can let us realize they should love heavy rock, death metal, and progressive rock.They can keep the eerie and solemn atmosphere around them till the last!Wonderful eeeerriiee tales...recommended by eerie DamoXt7942. social review comments Review PermalinkPosted Friday, September 18, 2009 Review this album Report (Review #239886) \"Ningen Shikkaku\" is the band's debut release from 1990. There was an ep the year before, but it's out of print and hard to find and basically features songs that are on this album but not sounding as good, based on one review I read. The song title is from a book by Osamu Dazai and is translated as \"No Longer Human\" but more directly translated means \"Human Disqualification\" as in \"disqualified as a human being\". The band's love of early seventies heavy rock is undeniable. Think \"Behind the Wall of Sleep\", \"Fairies Wear Boots\" and \"Children of the Grave\" by Black Sabbath or \"Guts\", \"Crash Course in Brain Surgery\" and \"Breadfan\" by Budgie and you'll immediately understand where this band is coming from. In fact, the song \"Hari no Yama\" (\"Needle Mountain\" or translated on YouTube as \"Spiny Mountain in Hell\") is a Japanese lyric version of \"Breadfan\" with a different story but all the speed and bombast of the original that inspired a Metallica cover.The album opens with an instrumental that is half guitar effects and half a grooving heavy riff before the Spiny Mountain in Hell song charges in. \"Ringo no Namida\" (Tears of the Apple - The band is from Japan's Aomori Prefecture, which is a major producer of apples) has a really grooving riff and beat. The title track takes us partway through the song before going of into a sparse guitar effects adventure backed with a steady pulsing bass, and then gradually builds until it erupts into a kind of part two with a different riff before finally returning to the original song. \"Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita\" (Beneath the Full Bloom of the Cherry Blossom Forest\" is another mini-epic with a song within a song. It's also the title of their next album. \"Arnheim no Izumi\" (The Spring of Arnheim) is the one major sidestep on the album as it's a simple clean guitar instrumental that sounds like someone left a present on the doorstep of Atom Heart Mother Pink Floyd but they missed it.Without describing each of the other tracks in detail, the album is not only early seventies heavy rock in style but the sound is very closely duplicated, an homage to the period. Whether short (\"Heavy Metal no Gyakushu\", 3:00) or longer than five minutes, most of the songs include unexpected turns in the music, suddenly changing tempo and charging ahead or abruptly changing riffs or slowing down.The vocal style is also worth mentioning. The two vocalists of Wajima and Suzuki don't sing in a usual Japanese rock or heavy metal way (think Loudness or Onmyo-Za). Their style is more like Japanese theater or like two story tellers singing the stories. They are from a part of Japan with a very distinctive dialect and they see no need to conform to what's popular. It gives Ningen Isu's sound something very Japanese and fits in perfectly with the British heavy rock playing style.Honestly, I was surprised to find Ningen Isu on ProgArchives. Though they are described as a stoner metal/doom metal/hard rock/progressive rock band, I expected to find them on MetalMusicArchives, where they are not listed at this time, and only found them here while looking for album rankings on Google. I hesitate to call bands like Black Sabbath and Budgie true prog because I feel a lot of early seventies bands just fell in with the progressive attitude toward writing because that was the style of the time, but many moved on as hard rock took over in the mid-seventies. Ningen Isu fit right into that 1969-1973/4 period where heavy rock and progressive rock co-existed and often crossed over between one another.One point worthy of mentioning here though is that this album is not indicative of Ningen Isu's overall sound. This album really sounds like a lost gem from 1971. Their later albums feature a more modern sound. Check out songs like \"Heartless Scat\" or \"Namahage\" on YouTube to get an idea of their 2010's sound. Still, heavy, doomy, and man do they know how to play this kind of music!I'd give it five stars as a rock album, but as a prog rock album I have to tone down the rating a little and I'll give it four. Also, I've heard it said that some of the later albums include more of a prog rock attitude so I'll keep my five stars for when I get to those. social review comments Review PermalinkPosted Monday, October 28, 2019 Review this album Report (Review #2275246) 153554b96e
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