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As a downloader & installer for custom components of Office 2013/2016/2019, Office 2013-2021 C2R Install allows you to direct download and install multi-language versions of Office 2013/2016/2019 (x86/x64) with complete setup file or any component of Office suite. On the other hand, as an activator of Office 2013/2016/2019, it also supports activation of Microsoft Office with one click.
The official, original Office 2016 setup forces users to install all components, unlike Office 2013 and lower versions that allow to customize installation options. After all, most of us only need 3 most commonly used components of Office: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. That is where Office 2013-2021 C2R Install comes in.
Secara interface dari Office 2013-2021 C2R Install ini, anda dapat lihat screenshot di bawah ini saya juga melakukan pengujian instal Microsoft office 2016 secara online dan juga pemilihan Product office sesuai kebutuhan saya. Office 2013-2021 C2R Install 7.4.8 Terbaru full mendukung baik itu versi 32 bit dan 64 bit. 827ec27edc