Smcwusbs-n3 Driver Download Windows 7 High Quality
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Start the Device Manager and look for a software device called SEWOO LK-P12. Right click on the SEWOO LK-P12 device and click Uninstall. After you click on OK you will be prompted to confirm any driver files that were going to be deleted. Click on the Yes button to begin the uninstallation process.
If your SMCWUSBS-N3 printer is attached to a Windows computer, you can use Device Manager to uninstall the SMCWUSBS-N3 printer driver. However, the device will not uninstall if it is attached to another computer. To uninstall the driver from another computer, unplug your SMCWUSBS-N3 printer cable from that computer. Then, in Windows Vista & Windows 7, open the Start Menu by clicking the Start button. Then click on my Computer.
Click on the Administrators Tab. In the list of users, locate the user account named the same as the one you assumed to use to install the SMCWUSBS-N3 driver. On the right side of the screen, click on the Uninstall option under the SEWOO LK-P12 box to remove the driver.
Press the Windows logo key to open the Start Menu. Click on the Control Panel. Once Control Panel is open, click on the Device Manager Icon. Your device should show up as a yellow exclamation point with the warning "The driver software is not functioning properly. Click on the SEWOO LK-P12 Exclamation. Uninstall the device, so it appears as an empty (white) exclamation point in the Device Manager. Then, reboot your computer. d2c66b5586