Sicher And Dubrul's Oral Anatomy ^HOT^ Download
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Oral Anatomy is divided into two parts: chapters 1-10 coveranatomy and functional analysis and chapters 11-18 describe clini-cal application. Following a brief introduc- tion of the evolutionand subject matter of oral anatomy, chapter 2 describes the gen-eral features of the human skull. A regional approach is taken.Longer than the other 16 chapters, the second chapter describes indetail the bones of the skull, the sutures between the bones, andthe cavities sur- rounded by bone. The section on the architec-tural analysis of the skull provides a good, albeit limited,introduction to biomechanical analysis. Definitions for variouscephalo- metric and craniometric landmarks and in- dices are alsopven. Changes since the 7th edition are inconspicuous. Timing ofsutural closure has been modified to reflect younger estimates,growth of the skull base is de- scribed separately, and more recentviews about control mechanisms of skull growth are presented.Perhaps most importantly, craniofacial growth as an adaptiveprocess is emphasized. Three paragraphs describing the orthodonticand surgical implications of growth patterns have been added. Moreof this type of synthesis would have been greatly appreciated!
Chapter 11, on the palpability of the facial skeleton, is uniquein providing valuable techniques that remain largely unrecog- nizedfor clinical diagnosis and identification of landmarks/structures.Chapter 12 re- mains an excellent account of the alveolar processesof the maxilla and mandible. A somewhat shortened chapter 13describes the anatomy of local anesthesia. It is divided intoapplied anatomy of the dental plexus and nerves of the upper andlower jaws. Chapter 14 describes arteries most likely to hemorrhageduring surgery; it also details their ligation. Chapter 15, one ofthe more useful chapters, describes the propagation of oralinfections. Tracheotomies and conioto- mies, a form of emergencylaryngotomy ac- complished by o ening the larynx through thecricothyroid yigament, are presented in chapter 16. Chapter 17gives a timely, im- partial account of functional disturbances ofthe TMJ, em hasizing problems associated
Sicher originally wanted the text to prove that anatomicalunderstanding does not only facilitate clinical work but that italso allows for the substitution of a rigid clinical tech- nique byan adaptable and therefore poten- tially progressive action. Onthat basis, the book has earned its place as a standard referencefor oral anatomy. It should be man- datory reading for graduatestudents in the field. Its clinical orientation provides an at-tractive perspective for the human biologist. I recommend the bookto anyone seriously interested in craniofacial biology. 2b1af7f3a8