Hyvin Menee 1 Pdf Download
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I highly reconmend a program called Anki. You can make your own flashcards with whatever you need on them. For example, - blank map of finland,replaced with a map showing the city - picture on one or both sides- fill in the blank- type in your answer or record your voice answer to check if you were right. - automaticlly generated links to wiktionary, forvo, etc. - extra notes on the bacl of the card when needed- automatically generate an english-finnish and a finnish-english card for every word you put inYou are able to format the card templates using HTML to create just what you need. The other neat thing it that it uses the SRS system, which I've found to help me retain words more easily. Free desktop application and free partner app on android called ankidroid. Supports synching. The downside is if you are on iphone, the app is pricey ($24 when i last checked). You may also download free shared decks that contain premade cards that other people have put together, but i havent checked the finnish section so i dont know how much is out there. The main users of the app are math and japanese learners All in all this program is what you make of it, although i cannot reccommend it highly enough. 2b1af7f3a8