Fundamentals Of Semiconductor Devices Anderson
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The book is organized into two parts. The first part, Semiconductor Fundamentals, introduces the reader to the basic semiconductor materials, including the different bandgap material classes and the physical properties that make them so attractive for the design of semiconductor devices. The material properties of the most commonly used semiconductor materials are also discussed. The second part, Semiconductor Devices, introduces readers to the building blocks of modern semiconductor devices, from the elementary electronic properties of single, double, and multi-junction devices to the design of optoelectronic devices and circuits.
This is the first in a series of semiconductor device books from Technology Network. In the coming years, the author will provide an update in the second edition of this book. This will be followed by Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices for Intersubband Microcavities, which covers a selected topic and presents the results in detail.
Part I also includes a wide array of topics. The reader will learn about the fundamental concepts, such as the bandgap and effective mass of semiconductor materials, that are used to model semiconductor devices. The authors discuss the physical processes that give rise to the electronic properties of semiconductor devices, ranging from exciton formation to the impact of doping on the band gap. The theoretical tools, such as the transport equations, that are used to understand the electrical properties of semiconductor devices are also introduced. Readers will have a good understanding of the physical processes that give rise to semiconductor devices.
The book is structured in such a way that the reader will be able to fully understand and solve the equations as they arise. The first half of the book contains the theoretical background and analysis tools. Solutions to the equations and semiconductor device equations are presented in a self-contained manner. The second half of the book contains the most relevant results and solutions. It begins with the most basic definitions and equations and proceeds to a comprehensive discussion of the semiconductor device equations from the elementary level to the most complex devices and circuits. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices is an ideal book for those who are new to semiconductor devices or who wish to refresh their knowledge of the important concepts.
This book is a must-have in every engineering library. The authors have written a comprehensive and practical overview of modern semiconductor devices. The book is truly innovative, bringing a new dimension of learning to a very relevant and challenging topic in today's semiconductor industry. If you are a semiconductor engineer or researcher, or a student of physics, physical chemistry, engineering or any other disciplines that involve semiconductor devices, this book is a must-have. 827ec27edc