Download Bollywood Movie Band Baja Barat Fixed
Band Baaja Baaraat is categorized under Bollywood. Band Baaja Baaraat has been broadcast at 20:00. We also have the similar videos for your suggestions. You can watch the movies or episodes in HD quality for free. Watch the latest movies you like without spending a dime! We also have many other similar movies of Bollywood genres. Band Baaja Baaraat is best movie created by director Rajiv Rai. The cast of the film includes Rajiv Rai. You can get the related movies by selecting genre links in the left side of the movie listing page. Band Baaja Baaraat is released in 2018 year. Since you have finished watching Band Baaja Baaraat videos, please share to your friends.
Band Baaja Baaraat Video
Band Baaja Baaraat
Cast: Rajiv Rai
Genres: Bollywood, Action, Drama, Romance
Release: 2018
Rating: 8.8/10 (3509 votes cast)
Runtime: 116 minutes
Company: Gold-fish
Language: Hindi
Runtime: 2 hrs 34 mins
Country: India
Also known as: Band Baaja Baaraat
Also known as:
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Band Baaja Baaraat
Directed by: Rajiv Rai
Writer: Rajiv Rai
Starring: Rajiv Rai
Description: And you know what? It's pretty much the exact same movie, but it's just shot in three days instead of three months. And it's all shot on handheld cameras and in a tiny little village in India. And it's also very, very, very, very bad. This is the sort of movie I'd expect to see in a Bollywood festival for little ones.
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