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The medals that are awarded are named in honor of the distinguished engineers who have had a significant impact on the bridge engineering profession worldwide. Nominations are due the second week of January and presented at the Awards Dinner during the conference in June.
For a single, recent outstanding achievement in bridge engineering demonstrating, as appropriate, technical and material innovation, aesthetic merit, harmony with the environment or successful community participation. List of Past Winners
For a recent outstanding achievement in bridge engineering demonstrating artistic merit and innovation in the restoration and rehabilitation of bridges of historic or engineering significance. List of Past Winners
For a recent outstanding achievement in heavy and or light rail bridge engineering demonstrating innovation in the design of new rail bridges, the rehabilitation of rail bridges or the use of accelerated construction in rail bridge projects. List of Past Winners
This manual has been prepared to provide Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) bridge design engineers with a guide to the design criteria, analysis methods, and detailing procedures for the preparation of highway bridge and structure construction plans, specifications, and estimates.
There are many books on preliminary studies and research in bridge design as well as basic knowledge on bridge engineering, but most books supply the needs of practicing engineers who may have problems in estimating, designing or constructing suspension bridges. Therefore, this book is intended to serve as a source of information for problems related to bridge engineering including sustainable bridge development, traditional approaches and recent advances in highway bridge traffic loading, aesthetic analysis issues in designing a new bridge, applications of various methods for the dissipation of seismic energy for bridges, new technologies of bridge design as well as structural identification of bridges using non-destructive experimental measurement tests.
The City of Poughkeepsie will be undertaking reconstruction projects on both the Washington Street and Garden Street bridges over the Fallkill Creek and a virtual public information meeting was held on June 10, 2021 to discuss the projects. Both bridges have been identified as requiring reconstruction to restore them to states of good repair.
Alternatives for the Garden Street Bridge are rehabilitation of the existing stone masonry abutments and replacement of the bridge deck or replacement of the entire bridge. Either alternative will improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety, including new crosswalks and provide intersection improvements.
Alternatives for the Washington Street Bridge are rehabilitation of the existing stone masonry arch bridge or the replacement of the existing bridge with a new structure. The proposed new arch bridge will be designed in keeping with the aesthetic and historical nature of the site. Both alternatives will include the creation of a pocket park on the southwest corner of the arch and geometric improvements to the intersection of Fallkill Place, Verazzano Boulevard, and Brookside Avenue with Washington Street. 2b1af7f3a8