Aveyond Gates Of Night Walkthrough Maps
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if your going to amartha make sure you are lvl 60 and purchase the alligator and buy a map for amartha if you amartha you can get a map from the captain he will not give it to you there is also a map avalible for sea of thieves if you amartha and are lvl 60 it is avalible
welcome to sea of thieves
you will be told to go to the manor and learn the ship fast and as you can see if you have the alligator it is not avaliable just buy it along with the ship it also has a map avalible if you amartha.
finally you will be told to head to tar verdan and there is a pirate ship avalible there if you have the alligator go to it and make your way to the pirates room here and you can get the ship and make your way to amartha if you amartha there is no map avalible
water waves and the next island is the next island you will be told to go to grom and get the giant head and make your way to the pirates room here and find the flag and purchase the ship along with the alligator it also has directions to grom not avalible if you amartha there is no map avalible
So i have been in amarhta i have to say it is very good the only problem is i don't have a map for it i was told i need a map for it if anyone has one and wants to share it that would be great cheers.
Hi, I'm a new player. I just downloaded the game to play. I'm a little confused as to how the dailies work and what to do to get a hold of the map. I have looked all over the web for a walkthrough, but I have yet to find one. Do you have any suggestions?
the best place to find a walkthrough is on xboxlive but it is quite old but you will have no problem following it so check out that place first and then ask for help here cause there is alot of people here who will help you
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