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Who is Farah Dowling? Farah is the headmistress of Alfea College and an experienced magic user. She teaches the fairies how to master their own abilities and is a key strategist in the fight against The Burned Ones.
What it was about: Reba McEntire plays a mom living in Texas with her pregnant teenage daughter and new son-in-law after going through a divorce. It also follows her unlikely friendship with her ex-husband's pregnant mistress.
Lady Meriel de Vere is a noble-born Norman, but circumstances force her into pretending to be a Welsh commoner. All the better for Adrian, Earl of Shropshire. A onetime monk, he brings her to his castle and imprisons her until she agrees to be his mistress. Nor is he above taking advantage of a fortuitous bout of amnesia on her part.
She suffered a catalogue of abuse at the hands of cocaine addict Ike, who died of an overdose in 2007. This included being punched, spat on and humiliated by him having affairs, even moving mistresses into their home.
It was a night of inside jokes and digs at the Viennese music scene. On Mozart's part, he cast two sopranos: Aloysia Lange, his wife's younger sister (and Mozart's first love); and Caterina Cavalieri, Salieri's mistress. In duelling arias, each woman tries to prove she is the top prima donna, just as they were doing in their real-life careers. The highlight came when Aloysia ended her final appeal on a high note, in fact a high F, the same note that her big sister Josepha would deploy so memorably as The Queen of the Night.
In one instance, she starts a mud fight with some river creatures which ends with Maleficent receiving a speck of mud on her face. Although the creatures cower in dread at Maleficent's displeasure, Diaval is delighted and laughs out loud at his mistress's misfortune. Regaining some of her childish mischief, Maleficent magically conjures a handful of mud into his face.
Their mutual care for Aurora changes the relationship between Diaval and Maleficent, as they go from being merely mistress and servant to true friends. When Aurora meets Prince Phillip, Diaval is delighted and hopeful that this means the curse can be broken by their true love. But Maleficent claims that its impossible; she has already tried to break the curse and she bound it to true love's kiss because she knows there is no such thing. When Diaval disagrees with her, she threatens to turn him into an unflattering new creature, he claims that he no longer cares whether she does.
As with Diablo, Diaval shared the latter's loyalty towards Maleficent as her confidante and assistant where in his case, out of gratitude for saving his life from a human farmer. Other than that, it is clear Diaval lacked the former's malice owing to his kinder and considerate personality. His relationships with Maleficent started off a rocky one because of his mistress' bitterness from Stefan's betrayal and clearly saddened upon seeing what she had become. Nevertheless, he continued to serve Maleficent faithfully, and was visibly relieved to see his mistress regained the peace she lost thanks to Aurora.
The story works like the trap of some exotic insect, which decorates the entrances with sweet nectars and soft fragrances, and then prepares an acid bath inside. Notice the countless touches that show the harsh pecking order in mid-19th century Britain: the servants who turn to face the wall when a master or mistress passes; the cocky arrogance of Edgar, who feels birth has given him the right to insult his social inferiors; the repressed anger of old Sir Harald, whose insect collection replaces a great many other things he would love to pin wriggling to a cork board. - Roger Ebert
In a similar incident involving adulterous husband, a wife in Bangkok caught her husband and his mistress having sex on the sofa and recorded the incident on the camera. She then beat the mistress and threw her out of the house naked. 2b1af7f3a8