Fundraising For Dummies, 3rd Edition
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John Mutz is a fundraising expert and speaker who has an extensive array of fundraising credits, including former chairman of the United Way Campaign of Central Indiana and former president of one of the nation's largest private foundations. Katherine Murray is a writer and small-business owner who consults with small and struggling nonprofits. She is the author of more than 40 books, including Green Home Computing For Dummies.
The authors teach you how to market your organisation using the most up-to-date tools and technologies available through the Internet. This expanded edition also offers information about philanthropy and tax law.
In the third edition of Fundraising for Sport and Athletics, author Richard Leonard expands upon the foundation of fundraising offered in previous editions with new, advanced strategies, updated fundraising program examples, and additional scholarly support of the administrative concepts. The discussion of fundraising programs has been developed to include additional aspects of the fundraising campaign including situational analysis, problem and goal statements, and tentative strategies. This edition modernizes the fundraising administrative concepts to integrate the most current standards and operational functions.
Whether you are a student studying to be an athletic administrator or you are already a fundraising administrator, Fundraising Sport and Athletics contains the ideal mix of fundraising theory and practice that is essential for achieving athletic organization success.
Fundraising For Dummies, 3rd Edition shows you how to take advantage of the latest strategies and resources available for raising money through everything from special events to online donations, in both good and bad economic times. The authors teach you how to market your organization using the most up-to-date tools and technologies available through the Internet. This expanded edition also offers information about philanthropy and tax law.
This part of the book introduces you to the foundation of your fundraising efforts: your passion, your mission, your board, and your message. Use this part to put the cornerstones in place as you begin building your fundraising approach.
Nothing about the fundraising climate today is business as usual. Giving is down, and, although an upswing is certainly on the way, nobody knows when with any certainty. This basic fact brings us to three stark realities that every fundraiser needs to recognize in times of economic challenge:
Whether recovery comes quickly or eases in slowly over time, the smart thing to do is begin where you are today with a good, clear look at the building blocks of your organization. We show you how to prepare and preserve your organization with your case statement in Chapter 4, and then we show you how to use it to build a full fundraising plan in Chapter 6.
tip.eps Chapters 14 through 17 show you how to reduce your print costs by moving many of your fundraising efforts online. These chapters also explain how to get listed in charity portals and work with online affinity groups. Chapter 19 is all about creating attention-getting special events (while keeping an eye on your budget).
Before we jump headfirst into the many fundraising approaches available to you, we take a look at two stories that offer slightly different approaches to fundraising in tough times. Consider what these two organizations did to survive the challenging trials that faced them, and then read the rest of this book to find out what you can do to help your own organization make the most of fundraising in both good times and bad.
We talk in this chapter about the importance of knowing what brought you to nonprofit work in the first place. That initial spark shows in your eyes and your smile. It carries in your voice and makes your story ring true. It shows in the manner in which you promote your organization and in the personal pride you take in your relationship to your work and your cause. This section presents a few key fundraising
Now in a completely revised third edition, this classic book shows how to create winning appeals that will realize the full potential of direct mail and online fundraising. Written by fundraising guru Mal Warwick, with assistance from Eric Overman, this comprehensive resource gives nonprofit fundraising staff the information needed to write compelling fundraising appeals for any medium. If you follow Warwick's guidelines, your direct mail and online fundraising campaigns will produce better results, year after year. Written in an easy-to-read style, the book is filled with practical techniques, proven approaches, and illustrative examples of both successful and unsuccessful appeals based on the authors' wealth of experience fundraising for hundreds of nonprofits. Step-by-step and appeal by appeal, the book shows how to navigate the fundraising appeal process with ease. To meet the demands of today's socially connected donors, this new edition explains how to mesh today's online technologies with direct mail to produce optimal fundraising results. You'll learn how to use e-mail, websites, Facebook, Twitter, and mobile technology to recruit more donors and raise more money. The book includes current research on timely topics such as online vs. offline behavior, online giving statistics, demographics, and best practices in integrated fundraising. If you're a nonprofit professional eager to master the latest methods in fundraising, or simply need to write direct mail appeals for your organization, How to Write Successful Fundraising Appeals will help you hone your skills and create appeals that will hit the mark every time. About the Author
Bill Rehm is Vice President of Mal Warwick Associates and has more than 30 years of fundraising and direct marketing experience. He has helped raise tens of millions of dollars for nonprofit organizations and progressive political candidates. Bill has written and produced more than a thousand direct mail packages, e-appeals, newsletters, brochures, and advertisements for dozens of nonprofit organizations. His current and former clients include Planned Parenthood, AIDs Project Los Angeles, NARAL Pro Choice America, the Feingold Senate Committee, Wellstone Action, Earthjustice, and Be The Match Foundation.
Nonprofit books are guides that teach readers how to start and effectively run philanthropies. These works cover topics like fundraising, leadership best practices, legal and tax structures, and ways to market the mission. The purpose of these books is to help nonprofits be more organized and maximize impact.
Fundraising for Social Change is a textbook that teaches readers strategies for securing financial backing for nonprofits. The book covers all the ins-and-outs of finding money for organizational missions. For example, diversifying donor bases, tapping endowments and reserves, crafting captivating appeals, and using multi-channel fundraising approaches. The textbook also delves into concepts such as budgeting, working with fundraising consultants, and navigating ethical donor dilemmas. Fundraising for Social Change covers the basics of nonprofit funding in great detail and is a valuable resource for any organization looking to begin raising money or shake up the typical fundraising routine.
Robots Make Bad Fundraisers is one of the most helpful books on nonprofit fundraising. Technology has made it easier than ever before to reach potential donors, however, automating fundraising through tools and apps may not be the most effective strategy. Nonprofit financing still requires connection and a human touch. Steven Shattuck argues that modern tools should be a complement to traditional fundraising methods, not a replacement for them. Robots Make Bad Fundraisers explores topics such as donor management software, search engine optimization, email marketing, and social media, and shows ways nonprofits can optimize these channels to send warmer, more organic communications that bring about more support for the organization.
A new book of thirty poems by Morrie Warshawski. Handmade paper covers, hand sewn, type set by hand, designed and printed on a Chandler & Price letterpress by Lisa Rappoport of Littoral Press in a limited edition of only 150 copies.
The publications on the Reading Resource List are all widely available and provide information on current, commonly accepted fundraising practices. These references are comprehensive and most closely relate to information covered on the exam.
It is not intended that each candidate read every publication on the Resource Reading List. Most candidates read one to three books, focusing on texts that address where they need to bolster their fundraising knowledge.
Applying the principles of marketing to nonprofit organizations and the fundraising sector is vital for the modern fundraiser who wants to increase profitability and diversify their fundraising efforts in this challenging industry. This comprehensive how-to guide provides a thorough grounding in the principles underpinning professional practices and critically examines the key issues in fundraising policy, planning and implementation.
This new edition of Fundraising Management builds on the successful previous editions by including modern perspectives on organizational behaviour, extended coverage of digital fundraising and donor behaviour, including an examination of group influences on behaviour, and a new chapter on the use of social media for supporter engagement and retention.
Combining scholarly analysis with practical real life examples, Fundraising Management has been endorsed by the Institute of Fundraising, and is mapped to the Certificate and Diploma in Fundraising, making it the definitive guide to best practice both in the UK and globally. This is a clear, problem-solving guide that no fundraising student or professional should be without.
Elaine Jay is a specialist in individual fundraising with over 20 years of experience. She has worked with a number of UK charities including the RSPCA, NSPCC and the Wildlife Trusts as well as with some of the main agencies serving the charity sector. 59ce067264